BBC posts an article about Virtual Currency Girls “Confused by cryptocurrencies? These pop idols are here to help” Digital currency idol news flash

仮想通貨少女がBBC記事で紹介。「A J-pop band for the crypto craze」仮想通貨アイドル最新ニュース速報

BBC posts an article about Virtual Currency Girls “Confused by cryptocurrencies? These pop idols are here to help” Digital currency idol news flash


BBC – Capital – A J-pop band for the crypto craze

Newcomers to the crypto craze often have trouble wrapping their heads around the concept – so a new Japanese pop group is here to help. Each member of the ‘Virtual Currency Girls’ – or Kasotsuka Shojo in Japanese – adopts the guise of a different cryptocurrency, wearing metallic wrestling-style masks and frilly maid outfits as they dance and sing about virtual markets. Coming from a country with some of the world’s biggest digital exchanges, the Virtual Currency Girls dream of promoting their music while encouraging the use of cryptocurrencies around the globe.


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