New Website Ranks 600 Cryptocurrencies by Github Activity – Bitcoin News


New Website Ranks 600 Cryptocurrencies by Github Activity – Bitcoin News

New Website Ranks 600 Cryptocurrencies by Github Activity – Bitcoin News

  1. Bitcoin (7th)
  2. Ethereum (41st)
  3. Ripple (104th)
  4. Bitcoin Cash (94th)
  5. Cardano (1st)
  6. Stellar (71st)
  7. Neo (162nd)
  8. Litecoin (27th)
  9. EOS (5th)
  10. NEM (238th)

As a standalone investment guide, Github activity is of limited use. But as part of a wider suite of tools, Cryptomiso is a useful resource for traders who are willing to do their own research in an bid to make more astute investments.

Do you think Github activity is a useful metric when considering whether to invest in a coin? Let us know in the comments section below.


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