$LISK listed on bitFlyer!Crypto currency Japan exchange listing news

$LISK listed on bitFlyer!Crypto currency Japan exchange listing news
bitFlyer Welcomes Lisk! Lisk is now supported on our Altcoin Market. After logging in to bitFlyer on a PC, a Lisk tab can now be selected in our Altcoin Market (Buy / Sell Altcoins). https://bitflyer.jp/en-jp/ex/LskPrice
bitFlyer Welcomes Lisk!
Lisk is now supported on our Altcoin Market. After logging in to bitFlyer on a PC, a Lisk tab can now be selected in our Altcoin Market (Buy / Sell Altcoins).https://t.co/vkf6VK2ZOC pic.twitter.com/KspoD8NGj0— bitFlyer(ビットフライヤー) (@bitFlyer) January 31, 2018