bitFlyer has been experiencing an interruption in access to our services.Crypto currency Japan exchange news flash

bitFlyer has been experiencing an interruption in access to our services since around 2:50 PM (JST) on January 31.Crypto currency Japan exchange news flash
We have been experiencing an interruption in access to our services since around 2:50 PM (JST) on January 31.
Recovery efforts are in progress.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.— bitFlyer(ビットフライヤー) (@bitFlyer) January 31, 2018
現在 bitFlyer のウェブサイトにアクセスできません。
作業状況につきましては、Facebook および Twitter にてご報告いたします。
Our website is inaccessible at the moment.
We are investigating the cause of this problem and will post additional updates to Facebook and Twitter as the situation progresses.We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience until the issue has been resolved.