Estonia utilizing blockchain.Virtual currency future tips are here. Topics of virtual currency new arrival


Estonia utilizing blockchain.Virtual currency future tips are here. Topics of virtual currency new arrival

What is Block Chain Utilization of Electronic State Estonia Broadcasted at AbemaPrime on Broadcasting?


仮想通貨を支える技術「ブロックチェーン」、先進国エストニアの実態とは | Abema TIMES



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Located in the west of Russia, the northernmost country of the Baltic States, Estonia is a small country with a population of about 1.3 million people, but it has been regarded as the birthplace of Skype and advanced approaches have been done in the field of IT technology. One card on which a national ID is written becomes a substitute for an identification card, a health insurance card, a driver’s license, a cash card, a public transport ticket, tax payment, elections, land registration, etc. become possible on the net, Indeed it has become possible to receive 2,500 electronic services. Mr. Kusaka explains about the advantages of applying block chain technology, “For example, the data of a point card has a database of a company providing the service, and does not have personal information himself. The data of the government office is also the same, and it is not your access to the personal information, but it can not be Estonia, for example, by placing information on my medical history and medical record on the block chain, whichever hospital you go to We only have to give the doctor temporary access authority. ”

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