Coincheck submited log of Nem. The Metropolitan Police Department started analysis. Virtual currency exchanges:$ XEM (NEM ) Coincheck incident further. Illegal remittance, hacking latest news

コインチェック ログ提出。警視庁が解析開始。仮想通貨取引所$XEM(NEM/ネム)コインチェック事件続報。不正送金、ハッキング最新ニュース速報

Coincheck submited log of Nem. The Metropolitan Police Department started analysis. Virtual currency exchanges:$ XEM (NEM ) Coincheck incident further. Illegal remittance, hacking latest news


コインチェックがログ提出 警視庁が解析開始:日本経済新聞 2018/2/1 11:08


A virtual currency “NEM (NEM)” equivalent of 58 billion yen from a major virtual currency exchange coin check (Tokyo · Shibuya) leaked, the Metropolitan Police Department received a system communication record (log) from the company and received analysis The fact that it started was confirmed on the 1st by an interview with investigative officials. from now on…


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