FSA coin check on-site inspection. Instructed to answer the improvement order by February 13. The virtual currency exchange exchanged coin check incident. Latest breaking news


FSA(Financial Services Agency) coin check on-site inspection. Instructed to answer the improvement order by February 13. The virtual currency exchange exchanged coin check incident. Latest breaking news





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The Financial Services Agency started an on-site inspection under the revised fund settlement law on the coin check (Tokyo · Shibuya, Tokyo), a virtual currency exchange giant externally leaked out by the Japanese currency “NEM (Nemu)” in Japanese yen . Investigate how to manage assets held by customers and the soundness of security measures. On 26th January the outflow of NEM was discovered. Since it was kept connected to the external network, it became a target of cyber attack. The outflow to the outside will exceed the amount of about 48 billion yen that occurred at the exchanges Mount Gox in 2014 and will be the largest ever in Japan. By February 13, the Financial Services Agency instructs the FSA to respond to improvement orders including recurrence prevention measures and customer response.

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