Bitflyer, partnered with Yamada Denki. $ BTC settlement service from January 27th! Virtual currency Bitcoin news


Bitflyer, partnered with Yamada Denki. $ BTC settlement service from January 27th! Virtual currency Bitcoin news


ビットコイン決済サービス開始日:平成 30 年 1 月 27 日(土)
導入店舗:LABI 新宿東口館(新宿区)、Concept LABI TOKYO(中央区)
決済上限: 1 会計につき 30 万円相当のビットコイン
決済方法:「bitFlyer ウォレット」を使用
ヤマダ電機へのビットコイン決済導入を記念し、1 月 27 日(土)よりキャンペーンを
キャンペーン実施店舗:上記導入 2 店舗
(1) 1 月 27 日(土)、1 月 28 日(日)の 2 日間、店舗内に bitFlyer アカウント開設支援
コーナーを設置します。そちらにお越しいただいたお客様先着 1,000 名様(各店舗
500 名様ずつ)に 500 円相当のビットコインをプレゼントいたします。
(2) ビットコイン決済限定の特別価格商品*²を販売いたします。



What is Bitcoin?
What is electronic money?
"Bitcoin" and "Electronic Money" are similar concepts, but in reality there are some important distinctions. Below, we will outline some important differences between Bitcoin and electronic money.

Electronic money is a method of settling payments in a specific currency without using bills or coins. Settlement methods include online or contactless payment, which are often used at convenience stores or when paying your train or subway fare.

Many of us have already used this form of payment in our daily lives. Electronic money is convenient and quick, as there is no need to physically take coins or bills out of your wallet.

Bitcoin also has no bills or coins, and enjoys all of the above benefits, such as speed and convenience. In this sense, it is natural to think of Bitcoin as electronic money.

Why should I use Bitcoin?
1)Transfers are directly from person to person - there is no intermediary involved
Normally, to send money to a person you are not physically near, you need to use a bank or other money remittance service to facilitate the transfer. Using Bitcoin to send funds, however, is the same as passing somebody cash from your own wallet.
2)Fees are nearly zero
With Bitcoin, there are no middlemen. This means fees paid to send and receive Bitcoin funds are basically zero, or extremely small. This is a key advantage of Bitcoin, particularly for tiny payments. Bank transfers and credit card payments carry significant fees, making it difficult to effectively send small amounts of money. This limitation can easily affect a business bottom line. Due to its ingenious and advantageous structure, settlement fees approaching zero are readily achieved with Bitcoin!
3)here is no monitoring performed or limits imposed by any third party
As Bitcoin does not require banks or third parties to settle payments, the process is faster, paperwork is not needed, and funds can flow freely. Further, Bitcoin is global - there is no difference in the unit of currency between countries. There are already many stores and websites around the world that accept Bitcoin today, and as Bitcoin increases in popularity, this number will only grow!

BTCJPY chart/price

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