AchainがHitBTCに近日上場!$ACT(Achain/エーチェイン)仮想通貨取引所 オルトコイン(草コイン)ニュース速報

Achain —Building a Boundless Blockchain Reality
We are excited to announce the soon listing of ACT, the token of Achain.
Achain is a public blockchain platform that enables developers of all levels of experience to issue tokens, smart contracts, create applications and blockchain systems. Achain is committed to building a global blockchain network for information exchange and value transactions.
Achain was originally developed by the Singapore-based nonprofit organization, Achain Foundation, which is co-constructed and co-maintained by its fan communities around the world. In 2017 it proposed its three-phase development plan of “Smart Contract Network”, “Fork Network”, and “Interconnected Network” as well as led an in-depth research into the technologies that define it today.
The company has gained public acclaim in digital asset issuance field. Achain is based upon a uniquely developed RDPOS (Result Delegated Proof of Stake) distributed consensus mechanism. It is different from DPOS in the way that it validates the execution of smart contracts, which potentially improves the transaction speed on the network.
エーチェイン – 無限のブロックチェーンの現実を構築する
Achainは、もともとシンガポールに本拠を置く非営利団体であるAchain財団(Achain Foundation)によって開発されました.Achain Foundationは世界中のファンコミュニティによって共同制作および共同管理されています。2017年には、「スマート契約ネットワーク」、「フォークネットワーク」、「相互接続ネットワーク」の3段階開発計画を提案し、今日それを定義する技術の詳細な調査を行った。